The Revolution series is a quartet of historical fiction novels by British author Simon Scarrow. Set during the late 18th and early 19th centuries, the novels follow the lives of Napoleon and the Duke of Wellington up until the climax of the Battle of Waterloo.


The Cato & Macro series is a historical fiction series by British novelist Simon Scarrow. Lucius Cornelius Macro is a Roman Army veteran with 15 years of experience and has just been promoted to Centurion. Quintus Licinius Cato is a teenager who grew up a slave and has joined the Eagles. The series is also […]


Simon Scarrow is a British author of historical fiction. He got his Master’s degree from the University of East Anglia, then went onto a career as a teacher. He is best known for his Cato & Macro series, which takes place during the Roman Empire. He also writes the Revolution series and the Gladiator YA […]