The Black Cobra Quartet is a series of historical romance novels by Australian author Stephanie Laurens. The series follows four wealthy battle-hardened officers who fight for the Crown against a deadly foe known simply as the Black Cobra. The series is connected to Laurens’ Cynster and Bastion Club series.
The Cynster series is a series of regency-era historical romance novels by Australian author Stephanie Laurens. The Cynster males may project a gracious and elegant image, but deep-down they possess protective male emotions. The first six books of the Cynster series follows the cousins known as the Bar Cynster. Novels after that follow the extended […]
The Bastion Club is a series of historical romance novels by Australian novelist Stephanie Laurens. The Bastion Club consists of seven of London’s most eligible bachelors – each part-wild adventurer, loyal to the end and among the elite of society.
Stephanie Laurens is an Australian author of historical romance, largely set during the Regency. As research scientists, Stephanie and her husband spent four years in England, surrounded by some of the subject matter that she would end up writing about. After returning to Australia, she eventually decided to start writing and after having several novels […]