Valor Confederation is a series of science fiction novels by Canadian author Tanya Huff. The series is a space opera series featuring the character Torin Kerr, a female staff sergeant who is trying to keep her fellow space marines alive while they fight grueling missions across the galaxy.


The Blood series is an urban fantasy series by Canadian novelist Tanya Huff that mixes in themes of detective fiction. The central characters of the series are former police office Vicki Nelson and historical romance author Henry Fitzroy (who happens to be a vampire). Fitzroy was the illegitimate son of Henry VIII before becoming a […]


Tanya Huff is a Canadian novelist of fantasy and science fiction. Her series include the Blood series, Smoke series, Keeper’s Chronicles, Valor Confederation and a few smaller series. While studying at Ryerson in Toronto, she was in the same class as Robert J. Sawyer where they would collaborate on a final assignment together. Her Blood […]