The Outcast Season is an urban fantasy series by American novelist Rachel Caine. The series is a spin-off of Caine’s Weather Warden series. The main character of the series is Cassiel, a Djinn who has been cut-off from her kind and put into a human body. Now, Cassiel must deal with being in human form […]


The Weather Warden is an urban fantasy series by American novelist Rachel Caine. The main character, Joanne Baldwin, is a Weather Warden. They can tame weather in order to prevent civilians from dying. The most powerful Warden is Lewis Orwell, who can control Earth, Fire and Weather. However, he has stolen bottles of Djinn (a […]


Rachel Caine was the pen name of Roxanne Longstreet Conrad (1962-2020), who writes urban fantasy, horror, suspense, mystery and sci-fi novels for both adults and young adults. She wrote the Weather Warden, Morganville Vampire, Outcast Season and The Revivalist series. Besides the Rachel Caine pseudonym, she also published books under the names Roxanne Longstreet (her […]