James Barrington is the author of the Agent Paul Richter series and the Eddie Dawson series of books. The name James Barrington is a pen name that the author uses. His real name is Peter Stuart Smith.

Barrington joined the Royal Navy’s Fleet Air Arm as a helicopter pilot, but had his flying career cut short by a a detached retina after one too many basic fixed-wing aerobatics. He transfered to Air Traffic Control where he’d stay for over twenty years of his life. He made his way to the Principality of Andorra in the Pyrenean mountains to retire, but found it barely adequate and decided to give writing a try. That ultimately lead to the publication of his first Paul Richter Thriller book.

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Publication Order of Ben Morgan Books

Cyberstrike: London(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Cyberstrike: DC(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon.com

Publication Order of Chris Bronson Books

(as James Becker)

The First Apostle (As:James Becker)(2008)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
The Moses Stone (As:James Becker)(2009)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
The Messiah Secret (As:James Becker)(2010)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
The Nosferatu Scroll (As:James Becker)(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Echo of the Reich (As:James Becker)(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
The Lost Testament (As:James Becker)(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
The Templar Heresy (As:James Becker)(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon.com

Publication Order of Eddie Dawson Books

(as Max Adams)

Publication Order of The Lost Treasure of the Templars Books

(as James Becker)

The Lost Treasure of the Templars (As:James Becker)(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
The Templar Archive (As:James Becker)(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
The Templar Brotherhood (As:James Becker)(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon.com

Publication Order of Paul Richter Books

Publication Order of Natasha Black Books

(with Richard Benham)

Black Ops: Red Alert(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Black Ops: Red Death(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon.com

Publication Order of Royal Navy Diaries Books

Publication Order of Steven Hunter Thrillers Books

(as James Becker)

Trade-Off (As:James Becker)(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Cold Kill (As:James Becker)(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon.com

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

The Ripper Secret (As: Jack Steel)(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
The Titanic Secret (As: Jack Steel)(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Uncommon Sense (As: Thomas Payne)(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon.com

Publication Order of Short Stories/Novellas

Life is a Moment (As:James Becker)(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon.com

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Joint Force Harrier (With: Ade Orchard)(2008)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
John Browning(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon.com

Publication Order of James Becker Short Stories/Novellas

(as James Becker)

Life is a Moment (As:James Becker)(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon.com

Publication Order of James Becker Collections

(as James Becker)

Thoth's Riddle: Masters of the Dark Arts and Humanities(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Thoth's Riddle: Invasion of the Toxic Mutant Army(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Thoth's Riddle: Hieroglyphs(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Thoth's Riddle: Flights of Fantasy(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon.com

If You Like James Barrington Books, You’ll Love…

Manhunt is the first book in the Agent Paul Richter Thriller series. Paul Richter is an unemployed ex-Naval aviator who is being used to flush out a traitor. A senior officer has gone bad, but they are having trouble identifying who. The powers that be put a deception operation in place. As the trap begins to close in, a Russian intelligence officer flees Moscow and has evidence that points the finger at a different target. Richter has no one to trust and finds him battling both sides, British and Russian.

To Do or Die is the first book in the Eddie Dawson series. Eddie Dawson is an explosives expert and lance-corporal in the Royal Engineers during World War II. He is sent on a mission to France and after completing his task thinks he will return to Britian. Instead, he finds himself sent to German territory where the French have launched an invasion. Dawson and a fellow sapper find themselves caught behind enemy lines with their only escape route blocked, and this is just the beginning of their troubles.

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