Stieg Larsson (1954-2004) was a Swedish author who is best known for the Millennium series, a crime fiction series that includes the incredibly popular The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. During his lifetime, he edited periodicals and wrote some non-fiction books in Swedish. He spent his life researching right-wing extremism. Larsson himself was a communist.

It wasn’t until after his death from a heart attack in 2004 that his estate found his unpublished manuscripts and decided to have them published. Below is a list of Stieg Larsson’s fictional published works in chronological order and in order of when they were originally published in Swedish:

Publication Order of Millennium Books

(with David Lagercrantz, Karin Smirnoff)

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2005)Description / Buy at
The Girl Who Played with Fire (2006)Description / Buy at
The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest (2007)Description / Buy at
The Girl in the Spider's Web (By: David Lagercrantz) (2015)Description / Buy at
The Girl Who Takes an Eye for an Eye (By: David Lagercrantz) (2017)Description / Buy at
The Girl Who Lived Twice (By: David Lagercrantz) (2019)Description / Buy at
The Girl in the Eagle's Talons (By: Karin Smirnoff) (2022)Description / Buy at

Publication Order of Millennium: The Graphic Novels Books

(with Denise Mina)

The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, Book 1 (2012)Description / Buy at
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, Book 2 (2013)Description / Buy at
The Girl Who Played with Fire (2014)Description / Buy at
The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest (2015)Description / Buy at

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

The Expo Files: Articles by the Crusading Journalist (2011)Description / Buy at

Publication Order of Anthologies

A Darker Shade of Sweden(2013)Description / Buy at

Notes: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo‘s original Swedish title was Män som hatar kvinnor. The Girl Who Played with Fire‘s original Swedish title was Flickan som lekte med elden. The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets’ Nest‘s original Swedish title was Luftslottet som sprängdes. The Millennium Trilogy graphic novels were written by Denise Mina, based on Larsson’s work.

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One Response to “Order of Stieg Larsson Books”

  1. Marlena Mitchell: 3 years ago

    Wow… what a loss! New to this series and I love them all! No matter the version of the movie – its the storyline for me! Inspired to actually read the book. RIP Stieg! Still inspiring old folks like me to pick up a book…


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