Alan Grofield is a character created by American author Donald Westlake using the pseudonym Richard Stark. At first, Grofield was just a companion of Parker‘s, who eventually got his own series. Alan Grofield is a career criminal and, like Parker, is a thief-by-trade.

Alan Grofield made his first appearance in the Parker novel The Score. He would eventually get his own series with The Damsel in 1967. His final appearance would be in another Parker novel, Butcher’s Moon. Below is a list of Richard Stark’s Alan Grofield books in order of publication (which is also their chronological order):

Publication Order of Alan Grofield Books

Notes: The Grofield character makes appearances in the following Parker novels: The Score, The Handle, Slayground and Butcher’s Moon. The character is also mentioned in The Sour Lemon Score.

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4 Responses to “Order of Alan Grofield Books”

  1. anthony winslow: 3 years ago

    I’m still working on the serie(s) but the first Alan Grofield book The Damsel, where Grofield is saved by a damsel in distress, begins where The Handle ends.


  2. anthony winslow: 3 years ago

    I’m on book 2 of the Parker series. I want to read everything in order including the Alan Grofield books but don’t know where to insert the 4 Grofield books. Any suggestions?


    • Graeme: 3 years ago

      Just a case of following the publication order I think would be best.

      So I think it would be:

      – The Score
      – The Handle
      – The Damsel
      – The Dame
      – The Blackbird
      – Lemons Never Lie
      – Slayground
      – Butcher’s Moon


      • theodore: 2 years ago

        I would suggest reading Deadly Edge then Slayground (even though it was published at a later date) before reading The Blackbird.

        The Score
        The Jugger
        The Seventh
        The Handle
        The Damsel
        The Dame
        The Rare Coin Score
        The Green Eagle Score
        The Black Ice Score
        The Sour Lemon Score
        Deadly Edge
        Lemons Never Lie
        Plunder Squad
        Butcher’s Moon


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