Civil War Battle by James Reasoner
The Civil War Battle series is a series of historical fiction novels by American novelist James Reasoner. The series, set during the American Civil War, follows the Brannon family. The family lives on a farm in Culpeper, Virginia – right near a major supply depot for the Confederates. The patriarch of the family, John, recently has passed away, leaving the operations of the farm to widow Abigail and children Will, Mac, Titus, Corey, Henry and Cordelia. Each book in the series involves a major aspect (ie. battle or campaign) of the Civil War.

James Reasoner began his Civil War Battle series in 1999 with the novel Manassas. The series lasted 10 novels, ending in 2003 with the novel, Appomattox. Below is a list of James Reasoner’s Civil War Battle series in order of when they were originally released (which is the same as their chronological order):

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Civil War Battle Synopsis: In Manassas by James Reasoner (book 1 of the series), the Brannon family owns a farm in Culpeper County, Virgnia. While they do not own slaves, they are strong supporters of the South in the pre-war days. As tensions begin to rise between the North and South, the Brannons have to deal with a family of troublemakers – the Fogartys. As county sheriff, Will Brannon kills one of the Fogartys in the process of trying to arrest him for murder. This causes the family feud to heat up even more, as the Fogartys want to avenge his death. When news of the battle of Fort Sumter hits, Will heads off with a local militia. He’s quickly sent off to Manassas in order to defend the junction. When the two armies engage in the area, Will must defend himself from the Union soldiers and the Fogartys, who are looking to settle the score.

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