Detective Kubu is the protagonist in a series of crime fiction novels by Michael Stanley. “Kubu” is the nickname of Botswana detective David Bengu. Detective Kubu looks unassuming enough, but he is relentless in pursuit of his goals.

Michael Stanley began the Detective Kubu series in 2008 with the novel A Carrion Death. The series is currently ongoing. Below is a list of Michael Stanley’s Detective Kubu books in order of when they were originally published (which is the same as their chronological order):

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Publication Order of Detective Kubu Books

A Carrion Death(2008)Description / Buy at
A Deadly Trade / The Second Death of Goodluck Tinubu(2009)Description / Buy at
The Death of the Mantis(2011)Description / Buy at
Deadly Harvest(2013)Description / Buy at
A Death in the Family(2015)Description / Buy at
Dying to Live(2017)Description / Buy at
Facets of Death(2020)Description / Buy at
A Deadly Covenant(2022)Description / Buy at

Publication Order of Detective Kubu Collections

Detective Kubu Investigates(2013)Description / Buy at
Detective Kubu Investigates 2(2019)Description / Buy at

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Detective Kubu Synopsis: A Carrion Death by Michael Stanley is the first book in the Detective Kubu series. Smashed skull, snapped ribs, and a cloying smell of carrion. Leave the body for the hyenas to devour – if there’s no body, there is no case. But when Kalahari game rangers stumble on a human corpse midmeal, it turns out the murder wasn’t perfect after all. Enough evidence is left to suggest foul play. Detective David “Kubu” Bengu of the Botswana Criminal Investigation Department is assigned to the case. The detective’s personality and physique match his moniker. The nickname “Kubu” is Setswana for “hippopotamus” – a creature that appears docile, but is one of the deadliest on the continent. Beneath Kubu’s pleasant surface lies the same unwavering resolve that makes the hippopotamus so deceptively dangerous. Both will trample everything in their path to reach their goal. From the sun-baked riverbeds of the Kalahari to the highest offices of an international conglomerate, Kubu follows a blood-soaked trail in search of answers. Beneath a mountain of lies and superstitions, he uncovers a chain of crimes leading to the most powerful figures in the country – influential enemies who will kill anyone in their way.

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