Empire of Man by David Weber John Ringo
The Empire of Man series is a series of military science fiction/space opera novels by David Weber and John Ringo. The series is also known as the Prince Roger series and also as the March Upcountry series. The books follow Prince Roger and his personal guard as they must cross the planet of Marduk. Roger is the son of the Empress of the Empire of Man and very spoiled. He is third-in-line for the throne.

David Weber and John Ringo began their Empire of Man series in 2001 with the novel March Upcountry. The series is currently ongoing. Below is a list of David Weber and John Ringo’s Empire of Man books in order of when they were first released (which is the same as their chronological order):

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Publication Order of Empire Of Man Books

(By: David Weber, John Ringo)

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Empire of Man/Prince Roger/March Upcountry Synopsis: March Upcountry is the first book in the Empire of Man series by David Weber and John Ringo. Prince Roger MacClintock is the spoiled prince who is considered useless and not worth the space he occupies. But now he must grow up or the entire galaxy will pay.

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One Response to “Order of Empire Of Man Books”

  1. Clif clark: 2 years ago

    This empire of man series is great! Love the Audible edition! Very well written, easy to fall in love with the characters.


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