The Enemy by Charlie Higson
The Enemy is a series of YA post-apocalyptic horror novels by English novelist Charlie Higson. The series is set in London, England following a sickness that has infected adults, turning them into something like zombies.

Charlie Higson began his Enemy series in 2009 with the novel The Enemy. The series is planned for seven novels. Below is a list of Charlie Higson’s Enemy books in order of when they were first published (which is also their chronological order):

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The Enemy Synopsis: In The Enemy by Charlie Higson, the population 16 and over is either dead or suffering from a horrible disease. Teenagers have locked themselves inside throughout London, leaving only to get food. A group of kids in a supermarket don’t have much left, so when a stranger shows up and offers to get them safe haven at Buckingham Palace, they go off on a journey across London.

The Dead by Charlie Higson is the second Enemy novel. A year before the events of The Enemy, the teachers at a boarding school have all turned into zombies. Some of the kids have survived and get on a bus, driven by a rare unaffected adult named Greg… until he begins to show signs of being infected.

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