Faithful and the Fallen by John Gwynne
The Faithful and the Fallen is a series of epic fantasy novels by British novelist John Gwynne. The series follows four men – Corban, a warrior; the powerhungry Evnis, a swordsman by the name of Veradis and his older brother, Nathair, who doesn’t always see eye-to-eye with his father, the High King Aquilus. The series is set in The Banished Lands, which has a violent past and perhaps a very violent future.

John Gwynne began his Faithful and the Fallen series in 2012 with his debut novel Malice. The series is currently ongoing. Below is a list of John Gwynne’s Faithful and the Fallen books in order of when they were originally published:

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Publication Order of The Faithful and the Fallen Books

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Faithful and The Fallen Synopsis: In Valor by John Gwynne (book 2 of the series), the Banished Lands is plagued by war as the race for power is only intensifying. Corban flees his homeland to look for peace, but he soon discovers that there is no haven in the west as the agents of Rhin and roaming bands of giants hound his every step. Veradis leaves the battleground and rushes to his King’s side. But he has witnessed both combat and betrayal and his duty weighs heavily upon him. Maquin seeks only revenge, but pirate slavers and the brutal world of pit-fighting stand in his way. Nathair becomes embroiled in the wars of the west as Queen Rhin marches against King Owain. The need to find the cauldron of the giants drives him on. Sides are chosen and oaths will be fulfilled or broken in a land where hell has broken loose.

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