The Grey Wolves series is a series of YA paranormal romance novels by American novelist Quinn Loftis. The series follows the adventures of three high school seniors, Jacque, Jen, and Sally, as the girls are introduced to the hidden world of the Romanian grey wolves. The grey wolves’ universe is populated with dominant Alpha male werewolves who slowly succumb to the darkness within them unless they find their true mates. It just so happens these three ladies are destined to become true mates to some of the most powerful werewolves.

Quinn Loftis began her Grey Wolves series in 2011 with the novel Prince of Wolves. The series is currently ongoing. Below is a list of Quinn Loftis’ Grey Wolves books in order of when they were originally published (which is the same as their chronological order):

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Publication Order of Grey Wolves Books

Prince of Wolves(2011)Description / Buy at
Blood Rites(2011)Description / Buy at
Just One Drop(2012)Description / Buy at
Out of the Dark(2012)Description / Buy at
Beyond the Veil(2012)Description / Buy at
Fate and Fury(2013)Description / Buy at
Sacrifice of Love(2013)Description / Buy at
Luna of Mine(2014)Description / Buy at
Piercing Silence(2015)Description / Buy at
Den of Sorrows(2016)Description / Buy at
The Burning Claw(2016)Description / Buy at
Resounding Silence(2016)Description / Buy at
Forgotten Silence(2017)Description / Buy at
Sacred Silence(2018)Description / Buy at
Tears of the Moon(2018)Description / Buy at
Alpha Rising(2020)Description / Buy at
The Warlock Queen(2021)Description / Buy at
A Grey Wolves Howliday(2021)Description / Buy at
The Wolves Descend(2021)Description / Buy at
The Hunt Begins(2022)Description / Buy at
Reign of Blood(2022)Description / Buy at
The Hybrid Rule(2023)Description / Buy at
Wolf Divided(2023)Description / Buy at
The Forbidden Bond(2024)Description / Buy at
Tattered Bonds(2024)Description / Buy at

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Grey Wolves Synopsis: Prince of Wolves by Quinn Loftis is the first Grey Wolves novel. Jaque Pierce was just an everyday 17-year-old girl getting ready to start her senior year of high school in Coldspring, Texas. When a mysterious foreign exchange student from Romania moves in across the street, Jacque and her two best friends Sally and Jen don’t realize the last two weeks of their summer were going to get a lot more interesting. From the moment Jacque sets eyes on Fane she feels and instant connection, a pull like a moth to a flame. Little does she know that the flame she is drawn too is actually a Canis Lupus, werewolf, and she just happens to be his mate, the other half of his soul. The problem is Fane is not the only wolf in Coldspring. Just as Fane and Jacque are getting to know each other, another wolf steps out to try and claim Jacque as his mate. Fane will now have to fight for the right to complete the mating bond, something that is his right by birth but is being denied him by a crazed Alpha. Will the love Fane has for Jacque be enough to give him the strength to defeat his enemy, will Jacque accept that she is Fane’s mate and complete the bond between them?

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