The Kicks is a series of children’s sports novels by American novelist Alex Morgan. The series follows Devin, who has recently moved to California. She makes friends with fellow seventh grade soccer players Jessi, Zoe, and Emma. Together, they play for “The Kicks” (or Kentville Kangaroos).

Alex Morgan began her Kicks series in 2013 with the novel Saving the Team. The series is currently ongoing. Below is a list of Alex Morgan’s Kicks books in order of when they were first published (which is the same as their chronological order):

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Publication Order of The Kicks Books

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The Kicks Synopsis: Saving the Team is the first novel in The Kicks series by soccer world champion Alex Morgan. Twelve-year-old Devin loves to play soccer. If she hadn’t just left Connecticut to move to the opposite coast, she would have been made captain on her seventh grade soccer team. But now that Devin is starting seventh grade in Kentville, California, it changes everything. After all, some of the best players in the country come from California. She’s sure to have tough competition. Or so she thinks. When Devin shows up for tryouts, she discovers that the Kentville Kangaroos – nicknamed the Kicks – are an absolute mess. Their coach couldn’t care less whether the girls win or lose. And Devin is easily one of the best on the team. The good news is, Devin quickly makes friends with funny, outgoing Jessi; shy but sweet Zoe; and klutzy Emma. Can Devin and her newfound friends pull together and save the team from itself?

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