Long War by Christian Cameron
The Long War is a series of historical fiction by Canadian novelist Christian Cameron. Narrated in the first person, the series is set during the Persian Wars. The series follows Arimnestos of Plataea throughout the conflict between the Greeks and the Persians from his time as a farmboy, to being sold into slavery, to becoming a hero and beyond.

Christian Cameron began his Long War series in 2010 with the novel Killer of Men. The series is currently ongoing and is planned for five novels. Below is a list of Christian Cameron’s Long War books in order of when they were first released (which is the same as their chronological order):

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The Long War Synopsis: In Killer of Men by Christian Cameron, Arimnestos is only a farm boy as a war breaks out between the people of Plataea, where he lives, and their neighbours, Thebes. He must stand in a battle line along with both his brother and his father. Although his side is victorious, he gets knocked out and when he wakes up, he has been betrayed by a family member and is now somebody else’s property as a slave.

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