Tyrant by Christian Cameron
The Tyrant series is a series of historical fiction novels by Canadian novelist Christian Cameron. Set during the era of Alexander the Great, the series revolves around the history of the Euxine area and relations between the Greeks and the Scythians.

Christian Cameron began his Tyrant series in 2008 with the novel Tyrant. The series is currently ongoing. The standalone novel Alexander: God of War by Christian Cameron also ties into the series. Below is a list of Christian Cameron’s Tyrant books in order of when they were originally published:

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Tyrant Synopsis: In Tyrant by Christian Cameron (book 1 of the series), Kineas is an Athenian cavalry officer who fought the Persians alongside Alexander the Great. But upon his return home, he finds that he’s not glorified, but rather shamed and exiled. Having to serve his duty to the Tyrant, be loyal to his men and in the middle of a love affair with a Scythian noblewoman, Kineas must use his Athenian guile, skills on the battlefield and some intervention from the gods in order to survive.

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