Malin Fors by Mons Kallentoft
Malin Fors is the protagonist in a series of Scandinavian crime fiction novels by Swedish novelist Mons Kallentoft. Malin Fors is a detective based in the small town of Linkoping, Sweden. She is 31 years old with an athletic build. She’s also a single mother to a teenage daughter, Tove. Malin is also in the beginning stages of a potential drinking problem, is a workaholic, has trouble controlling her emotions and likes her sex rough with her partner – a journalist named Daniel. As a detective, she has a sixth sense for finding out the answers, but at the same time, she is the most complex officer to ever work in her department.

Mons Kallentoft began his Malin Fors series in 2007 with the novel Midvinterblod, as it was published in Sweden. The first time it was translated into English was in 2011, when it was published in the United Kingdom as Midwinter Sacrifice. The next year, it was published in the USA as Midwinter Blood (a more direct translation of the original Swedish title). The series is currently ongoing, with at least ten novels planned for the future. Below is a list of Mons Kallentoft’s Malin Fors books in order of when they were first released (which is the same as their chronological order):

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Publication Order of Malin Fors Books

Midwinter Sacrifice / Midwinter Blood(2011)Description / Buy at
Summertime Death / Summer Death(2012)Description / Buy at
Autumn Killing(2012)Description / Buy at
Savage Spring / Spring Remains(2013)Description / Buy at
The Fifth Season(2014)Description / Buy at
Water Angels(2015)Description / Buy at
Souls of Air(2016)Description / Buy at
Earth Storm(2018)Description / Buy at

Notes: Midwinter Sacrifice was published in the United States as Midwinter Blood. Summertime Death was published in the United States as Summer Death. Savage Spring was published in the United States as Spring Remains.

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Malin Fors Synopsis: In Autumn Killing by Mons Kallentoft, a self-made billionaire Jerry Petersson is found in a moat outside his home – the Skogsa Castle. Malin Fors is having trouble keeping her life together after her daughter’s had an attempt on her life. But as Malin digs deep into the history of Linkoping, she will find secrets that she may not have wanted to find.

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