Monster High
Monster High is a multi-author series of children’s novels based on a doll line developed by Mattel and created by Garrett Sander. The dolls are all based on various horror movie, monster movie, sci-fi characters and other creatures. Some of the “ghouls” (like “girls”) in the series are Frankie Stein, Clawdeen Wolf, Draculaura, Cleo de Nile, Deuce Gorgon, Lagoona Blue, Ghoulia Yelps, Abbey Bominable and Spectra Vondergeist.

The first Monster High book was published in 2010, which was the title novel of the series, written by Lisi Harrison. The original series ran until 2012 with the novel Back and Deader Than Ever. A follow-up series called Ghoulfriends is written by Gitty Daneshvari, which is entitled Ghoulfriends Forever. There is also a non-fiction book in the series entitled Drop Dead Diary written by “Abaghoul Harris.” Below is a list of the Monster High books in order of when they were first released:

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Publication Order of Monster High Books

Monster High(2005)Description / Buy at
Where There's a Wolf, There's a Way(2010)Description / Buy at
The Ghoul Next Door(2011)Description / Buy at
Back and Deader Than Ever(2012)Description / Buy at

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