The Ninja Cycle is a series of novels in the crime/thriller genres by American author Eric Van Lustbader. It is also known as the Nicholas Linnear series, who is the hero of the books.

Nicholas Linnear is introduced to various martial arts in post-war Japan. Nicholas defeats his cousin Saigo and fellow student in a duel, which makes Saigo very bitter. Saigo later rapes both Nicholas and his girlfriend, then murders her. Below is a list of Van Lustbader’s Nicholas Linnear books in order of when they were published:

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Publication Order of Nicholas Linnear/Ninja Cycle Books

The Ninja(1980)Description / Buy at
The Miko(1984)Description / Buy at
White Ninja(1990)Description / Buy at
The Kaisho(1993)Description / Buy at
Floating City(1994)Description / Buy at
Second Skin(1995)Description / Buy at
The Death and Life of Nicholas Linnear(2014)Description / Buy at
The Oligarch's Daughter(2016)Description / Buy at

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Nicholas Linnear / Ninja Cycle Synopsis: The first book of Eric Van Lustbader’s Nicholas Linnear series is The Ninja. After martial artist Nicholas Linnear’s girlfriend is kidnapped and murdered by his cousin Saigo (a ninja) in Japan, Linnear leaves for the United States where he plans to live a peaceful existence. When a businessman is murdered by what appears to be a ninja shuriken and Linnear is consulted on the murder, it becomes apparent that the death was at the hands of a ninja. Does the businessman’s murder have any connection to his girlfriend’s murder in Japan?

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