Orion by Ben Bova
Orion is a series of science fiction novels by American novelist Ben Bova. The series follows eternal warrior Joey O’Ryan (“Orion”).

Ben Bova began his Orion series in 1984 with the title novel. The series is currently ongoing. Below is a list of Ben Bova’s Orion books in order of when they were first published (which is the same as their chronology):

Publication Order of Orion Books

Orion(1984)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Vengeance of Orion(1988)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Orion In The Dying Time(1990)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Orion and the Conqueror(1994)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Orion Among the Stars(1995)Description / Buy at Amazon.com
Orion and King Arthur(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon.com

If You Like Orion Books, You’ll Love…

Orion Synopses: In Orion by Ben Bova, John O’Ryan isn’t exactly a god, but an eternal warrior who must combat the Dark Lord for all time. The war will end in a confrontation under the hammer of nuclear annihilation.

Vengeance of Orion by Ben Bova is the second novel in the Orion series. Orion goes back in time to Ancient Greece in order to keep the Greek army from destroying the citadel of Troy. If he is not successful, he will lose the only woman he has ever loved. If he is successful, history will be changed forever.

In Orion in the Dying Time by Ben Bova (#3 in the Orion series), it’s the Cretaceous era. Earth belongs to the dinosaurs, led by a reptile who has been worshipped by the Egyptians for centuries.

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