Prizzi is a series of satirical novels by American novelist Richard Condon. The Prizzis are a New York mafia family. The series follows Charley Partanna, a hitman for the Prizzis, as he deals with the politics of the most dangerous crime family in New York City.

Ricard Condon began his Prizzi series with Prizzi’s Honor, published in 1982. The novel would later be adapted to film, starring Jack Nicholson, Kathleen Turner and Anjelica Huston. The series lasted four novels, concluding with Prizzi’s Money in 1994. Below is a list of Richard Condon’s Prizzi books in order of when they were first published (as well as in chronological order):

Publication Order of Prizzi Books

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Prizzi Synopsis: Prizzi’s Honor by Richard Condon is not an ordinary boy-meets-girl story. Charley Partanna is a loyal hitman for the Prizzis, New York’s most powerful Mafia family. The object of his affections is Irene Walker, a Los Angeles-based tax consultant. But it’s her freelancing that pays – she’s a hitwoman for the Mob. She has also cheated the Prizzis out of a sum too large to forgive. This is very dangerous moonlighting indeed, and eventually it places Charley’s oldest loyalties in conflict with his newest one. Which wins out?

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