Shadowlight Saga by Mande Matthews
The ShadowLight Saga is a series of Norse-themed YA epic fantasy novels by American novelist Mande Matthews. Hallad Avarson vows to protect a mysterious warrior maiden. In doing so, he pits his best friend against him, endangers the life of his little sister and leads him into a treacherous realm of magic and intrigue.

Mande Matthews began the ShadowLight Saga in 2011 with the novel Bonded. The series is currently ongoing. Below is a list of Mande Matthews’ ShadowLight Saga books in order of when they were originally published (as well as in chronological order):

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Publication Order of The ShadowLight Saga Books

Chronological Order of The ShadowLight Saga Books

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ShadowLight Saga Synopsis: The Light Keepers by Mande Matthews is a 10,000 word prequel to the novel Bonded. Astrid is isolated due to the power she holds within her. She longs to be in contact with another human. Her mother has good intentions, but has locked her away in order to keep her safe from enemies who wish to use her abilities for their own desires. But the resulting loneliness drives Astrid deeper into the shadowwalk — a power she is forbidden to use, a magic that lands her directly into the arms of the Shadow.

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