Vin Cooper by David Rollins
Vin Cooper is the protagonist in a series of thriller novels by Australian author David Rollins. Cooper is a Special Agent who serves in the Office of Special Investigation (OSI), a department of the U.S. Air Force. As an investigator, Vin Cooper is willing to defy authority in order to find the truth. He’s also willing to beat up a senior officer who was receiving “favours” from his (now ex) wife. He’s also a tough individual who has been shot multiple times as well as been in a helicopter crash and lived to tell about it.

David Rollins began his Vin Cooper series in 2005 with the novel The Death Trust. The series is currently ongoing. Below is a list of David Rollins’ Vin Cooper books in order of when they were originally published (which is the same as their chronological order):

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Vin Cooper Synopsis: The Death Trust is the first Vin Cooper novel by David Rollins. A sniper’s bullet ends the life of a young soldier on patrol in Iraq. This is nothing new to Cooper, but then the shooting is linked to the death of a four-star general – who is also the recently deceased soldier’s father. Cooper investigates and finds a string of supposed accidental deaths that takes him from Iraq all the way to Latvia. But do his superiors want him to find out the truth or do they want him to be the next victim?

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