The Worldwar series is a series of alternate history/science fiction novels by American author Harry Turtledove. The series consists of the Worldwar tetralogy, Colonization trilogy and a standalone novel. The series is set between 1942 and 2031. It starts at the time of World War II when a race of aliens arrive on Earth, ready to start an invasion.

The Worldwar series began in 1994 with In the Balance. The Colonization trilogy began in 1999 with Second Contact. The final novel in the saga is Homeward Bound, published in 2004. Below is a list of the Worldwar series in order of when the books were originally published (and in chronological order):

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Publication Order of Worldwar Books

In the Balance(1994)Description / Buy at
Tilting the Balance(1995)Description / Buy at
Upsetting the Balance(1996)Description / Buy at
Striking the Balance(1996)Description / Buy at

Publication Order of Colonization Books

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