November 2016 Newsletter
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It’s November and we’re getting into some prime reading time depending on where you live. I’m in Canada and I LOVE this time of year. Nothing like some rain followed by snow to keep me in on those cold nights just relaxing with a cup of hot chocolate and a book to read.
I’ve still been going through the Myron Bolitar series as I mentioned last month. I’m actually at the last one – “Home” – however I haven’t started it yet due to a slight issue. Basically in between Home and the book before that, Coben did the Mickey Bolitar series which is more for young adults I believe. I planned to skip those but then last month I got all these questions about the new book. Basically a character who DIED in a previous Myron novel is back to life in Home with no explanation. One of our readers reached out to Harlan who said it’s explained in the Mickey series – so I’ll probably go ahead and read that.
However I might put it on hold to read the new Linwood Barclay and Mitch Rapp books that came out over the past little while. And of course a new Jack Reacher in a week! A great time for books.
Each month we give away 2 prizes. 1st prize is a $50 Amazon Gift Certificate, and 2nd prize is a $25 Amazon gift certificate.
To win all you have to do is be a subscriber. Nothing more! When we go to hit “Publish” we take a list of all of our subscribers, throw them into a random draw and those are the winners.
Our $50 gift certificate winner is Jo Ann from Redmond, WA and our $25 gift certificate winner is Sandra from New York. Both of you have been e-mailed. If you haven’t received an e-mail check your junk mail folder!
Book Recommendations:
In this section I give 3 random book recommendations. They can be old books, they can be new. But either way – I recommend you read them if the type of genre they are in appeals to you. Feel free to e-mail suggestions to as many of the suggestions each month are from our readers.
Eye of the Storm: Eye of the Storm is the first novel in the Sean Dillon series by Jack Higgins. The 22nd book in the series comes out in December so a great time to get started!
These books are thrillers. The plot of this one sees world class assassin Sean Dillon reemerge while the Gulf War is taking place, and he is hired by Saddan Hussein to assassinate Margaret Thatcher. It goes at a fast pace and has a good simple plot.
The Nightingale: By Kristin Hannah, The Nightingale is a tremendous book which was voted best book of the year by multiple publications. One of our readers, Brenda, recommended it and said “wow what an wonderful story, how the people of Paris, France were affected during the war – I cried 10 times throughout the story, it just is a heartwrenching story on survival & heros.” One of just many wonderful books by Kristin Hannah.
Lost In a Good Book: This was recommended by Joseph and is the second book in Ffordes Thursday Next series. He recommends reading that one first though – here’s the review he wrote: “Any book that starts with a contemporary version of the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party is a book worth reading. In this installment, Thursday has become a media sensation by dint of her jump into the pages of Jane Eyre; she becomes apprenticed to Dickens’ Miss Havisham to learn how to perfect book-jumping, and she does some serious time jumping with her father to prevent the world from ending by pink sludge.
Connected to all of this, her husband Landen has been “eradicated” by the corrupt multinational “Goliath,” and a lost Shakespearean play “Cardenio” has been discovered. On the lighter side, Pickwick, her pet dodo, has demonstrated he is a she by laying an egg. Fforde hits his stride with this second book.”
November 2016 Book Of The Month
He’s consistently the most popular author on and for good reason. Lee Child is back this month with the latest novel in the Jack Reacher series.
This one takes place in 1996(2nd in chronological order after The Enemy). Reacher is still in the army and he receives a medal in the morning, is sent back to school in the afternoon, and then off the grid by night. Reacher works with one of the best recurring characters in Frances Neagley. I can’t wait. More details and pre-order.
Your Thoughts!
Last month I asked what books are you giving for gifts this year? The feedback is posted later in the newsletter.
Usually I ask very general questions that appeal to everyone but I’m going to mix it up this month and see what the feedback is like. Here it is: What Jack Reacher book is your favourite? Simple as that.
And if you haven’t read a Jack Reacher book feel free to write in why not – or if you tried it and didn’t like the series etc feel free to contribute. Just please don’t write in about what a bad choice Tom Cruise was – I get enough e-mails about that 🙂
For me it was Persuader. It’s a book I go back to time and time again. I still remember the character Paulie – the only time Reacher has ever really met his match. Rather than go any further I’ll just paste this excerpt which is probably my favourite part of any book ever:
I kicked him in the kidney. It was the kind of kick that would have sent a football out of the stadium and into the parking lot. It would have cracked a utility pole. It would have put most guys in the hospital all by itself. It would have killed some of them. It had about as much effect on Paulie as a polite tap on the shoulder. He didn’t even make a noise. He just put both hands on the door frame and slowly pushed himself upright. Turned around to face me.
“Relax Major,” he said. “Just my way of saying good morning to the lady.”
What about you? What’s your favourite Reacher book and why? Or what do you have to say about the Jack Reacher series? Let’s make it Jack Reacher month!
E-mail us your feedback to or just reply to this e-mail, and we’ll pick the best comments and feature it in next months newsletter.
Read last months reader mailbag here.