Griffen McCandles is the protagonist in a series of comic fantasy novels by American authors Robert Asprin and Jody Lynn Nye. The series is also known as the “Dragons series.” The title character of the series, Griffen McCandles, is a masterful poker player and con artist who finds out, to his disbelief, that he’s a […]


Thursday Next is the protagonist in a series of comic fantasy/alternate history novels by British author Jasper Fforde. Thursday Next works as a literary detective. Described as “feisty and loveable,” she is in her mid-30s and is the daughter of Colonel and Wednesday Next. The series is set in an alternate universe where England is […]


Jasper Fforde is an English novelist of alternate history and comic fantasy postmodernist novels. He is best known for writing his Thursday Next series. His writing uses a lot of wordplay, metafiction, parody and are scripted in a tight manner. Fforde attended the Dartington Hall School, and before becoming an author, worked as a focus […]


Christopher Moore is an American author of humourous fantasy novels. His books feature regular people who are transposed into extraordinary circumstances, such as the paranormal. Moore’s inspirations include John Steinbeck and Kurt Vonnegut.