The Southern Quilting Mysteries is a series of cozy mystery novels by American novelist Elizabeth Craig. The series follows a retired folk art curator named Beatrice Coleman who moves to Dappled Hills, North Carolina. When she gets there, she joins the Village Quilters Club. But besides quilting, Beatrice will be doing some sleuthing when a […]


The Memphis Barbeque Mysteries is a series of cozy mysteries by American novelist Riley Adams (Elizabeth Spann Craig). The series follows Lulu Taylor, who runs a barbecue restaurant in Memphis, Tennessee. The restaurant was named after Lulu’s great aunt and is best known for its ribs and spicy cornbread.


The Myrtle Clover Mysteries is a series of cozy mystery novels by Elizabeth Spann Craig. The protagonist and title character, Myrtle Clover, is a retired English teacher in her eighties. She writes a newspaper column in her (fictional) hometown of Bradley, North Carolina.


Elizabeth Spann Craig is an American author of cozy mystery novels. She writes the Myrtle Clover Mysteries, the Memphis Barbeque Mysteries (as Riley Adams) and the Southern Quilting Mysteries. Elizabeth enjoys participating in the online writing community and blogging about writing. She also woks with Hiveword’s Mike Fleming to manage a search engine for writers. […]