World of Adventure is a series of children’s adventure novels by American author Gary Paulsen. The series is a collection of unrelated standalone novels featuring different kids going on lots of wacky, fun adventures.


Duncan Culpepper, also known as the Culpepper Adventures, is a series of children’s novels by American author Gary Paulsen. The books follow Duncan Culpepper and his best friend, Amos, on their adventures.


Tales to Tickle the Funnybone is a series of children’s novels by American author Gary Paulsen. Paulsen has said that one of the novels, Harris and Me is autobiographical.


Murphy is a series of western novels for young adults by American author Gary Paulsen. Later the series was co-authored with Brian Burks. The protagonist is Al Murphy, sheriff of Cincerville. Although the series was intended for young adults, the books aren’t unfit for adults to read.


Francis Tucket is the protagonist in a series of YA western novels by Gary Paulsen. The series is about Francis Tucket, who meets a mountain man named Mr. Grimes, who shows him how to survive, live and thrive in the wild.


Gary Paulsen is an American author of young adult and children’s books, including adventure, western, coming-of-age, non-fiction and more. He is a prolific author with over 200 books in print, plus 200 short stories and magazine articles and many plays. A common theme to his work is the wilderness and survivalist tactics. Some of his […]