The Camulod Chronicles is a series of historical fiction novels by Scottish author Jack Whyte. The series is also known as the original title of A Dream of Eagles (outside the United States) and sometimes as the Arthurian Saga. The books in this series are a re-telling of Arthurian legend, which tell the origin of […]


Jack Whyte is a Scottish-Canadian novelist of historical fiction novels. He writes the Camulod Chronicles (aka Legends of Camelot), the Knights Templar Trilogy and the Guardians Trilogy. Jack was born and raised in Scotland, was educated in England and France and moved to Canada in 1967, where he has been living ever since. His novels […]

Written by Julie Vegas on Monday, April 2nd, 2012

For those who think they have writing talent of their own, the Surrey International Writers’ Conference Writing Contest has now begun. Hopeful writers and poets can submit their best work for a chance to win cash prizes totaling nearly $5,000. The deadline is September 14, 2012. Authors Diana Gabaldon and Jack Whyte started the Storyteller’s […]