The Colony series is a series of romantic suspense novels by American author Nancy Bush and some installments co-authored by Lisa Jackson. The Colony is a group of psychic women who are sometimes targetted by serial killers. The series is also known as the Wicked series.
Nancy Bush is an American author of romance, romantic suspense, mystery and thriller novels. She is the sister of fellow novelist Lisa Jackson, who she has collaborated with on multiple novels. Nancy is a bestselling author in her own right and has been writing for over thirty years.
The Montana series is a series of romantic suspense novels by American novelist Lisa Jackson. The series is also known as the “To Die” series (because “To Die” is in each of the book’s titles) and as the Selena Alvarez/Regan Pescoli series, being that they are the two main characters. Selena and Regan work for […]
The New Orleans series is a series of romantic suspense novels by American author Lisa Jackson. The series features two New Orleans detectives – Rick Bentz and Reuben Montoya – catching serial killers in The Big Easy.
Lisa Jackson is an American author of romance novels, including category romance, romantic suspense and historical romance. Her novels are set all over the United States, often dealing with serial killers (one of her favourite topics). She is best known for her New Orleans series (featuring Rick Bentz and Reuben Montoya) and her Montana series […]