Monster High is a multi-author series of children’s novels based on a doll line developed by Mattel and created by Garrett Sander. The dolls are all based on various horror movie, monster movie, sci-fi characters and other creatures. Some of the “ghouls” (like “girls”) in the series are Frankie Stein, Clawdeen Wolf, Draculaura, Cleo de […]
The Alphas is a series of young adult novels by Canadian-American author Lisi Harrison. The Alpha Academy was founded by Shira Brazille in order to nurture the best and brightest dancers, writers, musicians and investors. The academy only houses one hundred girls, and will send anyone home at any time if they are not cutting […]
The Clique is a series of young adult novels by Canadian-American novelist Lisi Harrison. The main characters of the series are five girls – Massie, Alicia, Dylan and Kristen (also known as The Pretty Committee) and newcomer to the school, Claire. The girls are “A-Listers” at an all-girls middle school called Octavian Country Day (OCD). […]
Lisi Harrison is a Canadian-American author of young adult and children’s novels, including her The Clique, Alphas and Pretenders series. She also writes books based on the Monster High doll line from Mattell. Lisi grew up in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and moved to Montreal, Quebec when she was 18 to major in film at McGill […]