The Righteous series is a series of suspense-thriller novels by author Michael Wallace. In the conservative polygamist enclave of Blister Creek, Utah, Jacob Christianson is a medical student who is also called upon to work as an criminal investigator and an undercover agent, all while trying to reconcile his faith with his skepticism. Meanwhile, his […]
L.T. Ryan is an American novelist of mystery, suspense and thriller novels. He writes the Jack Noble series (which includes the Noble Intentions serial series). He has also started writing a YA post-apocalyptic zombie adventure series called Affliction Z. L.T. prefers to write fast-paced suspense-thriller novels, but in his spare time, he enjoys reading, hiking, […]
The MP-5 CIA series is a series of suspense-thrillers by M.H. Sargent. The series consists of a rich cast of characters who must engage and be responsible for the locals in the locations of their various missions in Iraq, Afghanistan and other places.
Frank Quinn is the protagonist in a series of psychological suspense thriller novels by American author John Lutz. Quinn is a ruthless homicide detective who hunts down serial killers like Daniel Danielle. If you read this series, you will also want to check out Lutz’s Night series, which this is a spin-off of.
The Night series is a series of psychological suspense-thrillers by American novelist John Lutz. The series deals with night prowlers and serial killers. The fourth book of the Night series is also the first book of Lutz’s Frank Quinn series.
Lydia Strong is the central character in a series of suspense-thrillers by American author Lisa Unger (originally written under the pen name of Lisa Misicone). Lydia is a true crime author based out of New York City who takes regular trips to New Mexico and Florida.
James W. Hall is an American author of suspense thrillers. In addition to his Thorn P.I. series and standalone novels, Hall has also written screenplays for two of his novels that have been optioned for film. He has also taught literature at Fulbright in Spain and at Florida International University. He divides his time between […]