The Long Earth is a series of science fiction novels by Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter. The series follows Joshua Valiente, who can travel to planets that are similar to Earth (but without humans), and Labsang, who claims to have been a Tibetan motorcycle repairman who has been reincarnated as artificial intelligence. Together, they will […]
Stephen Baxter is a British author of hard science fiction and alternate history novels. He writes the Xeelee Sequence, Destiny’s Children, NASA Trilogy, Manifold Trilogy, Mammoth Trilogy, Time Odyssey (with Arthur C. Clarke), Time’s Tapestry, Long Earth (with Terry Pratchett) and Proxima series. Baxter earned his degree in mathematics from Cambridge University, his doctorate degree […]
Discworld author Terry Pratchett has announced that he is handing the series over to his daughter Rhianna. Pratchett was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in 2007 and since then, his health has deteriorated markedly.
Terry Pratchett has started his own television production company called Narrativia, which will have exclusive rights to his works in the field. The company will produce TV adaptations biggest novels, including a four-part series based on Good Omens that will be written by Gavin SCott and Monty Python’s Terry Jones. The new company will be […]
Alzheimer’s sufferer Terry Pratchett says he’s not afraid of dying, but he is afraid of dying badly. He says, “I am scared of dying badly. But then I think that is something most people (are scared of).” Despite the disease, Pratchett remains busy. He’s written a novel inspired by the Charles Dickens character Artful Dodger […]
Terry Pratchett has won a unique award for his 50th novel, Snuff. The award is the Bollinger Everyman Wodehouse Prize for Comic Fiction. His work was referred to as “consistently funny with an acute, satirical view of the world.”
Discworld is a universe and series of fantasy novels created by British author Terry Pratchett. The series has been adapted into many other different forms of media, including movies, television, video games, plays, radio and comic books. The Discworld universe is so huge that there are Discworld-themed conventions.
Terry Pratchett was an English author who is best known for his Discworld comic fantasy series. Terry Pratchett sadly passed away on March 12th, 2015. Pratchett battled Alzheimer’s disease for years after announcing it online in 2007. He died after a chest infection, as well as complications from the Alzheimers. In true Terry Pratchett style, […]
Amazon UK has announced that Lee Child is the most successful author of Kindle books. Amazon UK has released a list of the top 10 bestselling authors, which Lee Child (author of the Jack Reacher novels) sits on top of.