Order of Agnes Barton Senior Sleuths Mysteries Books
Agnes Barton Senior Sleuths Mysteries is a series of cozy mystery novels by American author Madison Johns. Agnes Barton is not your typical senior citizen from Michigan. She drives a red hot Mustang, shops at Victoria’s Secret, rankles local police officials, and has a knack for sticking her nose where it doesn’t belong.
Madison Johns began her Agnes Barton Senior Sleuths Mysteries series in 2012 with the novel Armed and Outrageous. The series is currently ongoing. Below is a list of Madison Johns’ Agnes Barton Senior Sleuths Mysteries books in order of when they were first released (which is the same as their chronological order):
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Publication Order of Agnes Barton Senior Sleuths Mystery Books
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Agnes Barton Senior Sleuths Mysteries Synopsis: Hidden Secrets by Madison Johns is the 15th book in the series. Life in Tawas has changed dramatically when Bernice “The Cat Lady’s” ex-husband Wilber goes missing and is later found dead by resident detectives Agnes Barton and Eleanor Mason. Bernice is a suspect and the sleuths can’t let their friend down as they search for the truth. Oh and about that truth – who was Wilber really, and what secrets did he keep hidden throughout the years? Wilber has been linked to a series of missing hitchhikers in the seventies. Has someone from the past come back for their revenge? Was Wilber really a serial killer? Will the girls be able to solve this case as a health crisis strikes down one of their friends?