Bio of a Space Tyrant is a science fiction series by American novelist Piers Anthony. The series is set in the solar system and focuses on Hope Hubris and family. Hope starts out as a poor refugee and as the series goes on, he becomes more and more powerful. The timeframe of the series is hundreds of years in the future, when Earth’s nations have expanded into the solar system, so that now planets, moons and asteroids are territories of various countries. The series is narrated in the first person by Hope Hubris.

The Bio of a Space Tyrant series began in 1983 with Refugee. The series went four more novels until 1986’s Statsman when it took a 15 year hiatus. In 2001, The Iron Maiden was published, resuming (or concluding?) the series. Below is a list of Piers Anthony’s Bio of a Space Tyrant books in order of when they were originally released (which is also their chronological order):

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