Bullied by Christopher Smith
Bullied is a series of paranormal thriller novellas by American author Christopher Smith. The series follows a 18-year-old Seth Moore, who is the target of the school bullies. But when he comes into possession of a special amulet, he gains supernatural powers that he can either use for protection or use for revenge.

Christopher Smith began his Bullied series in 2011 with the title novella of the series. The series includes four novellas (75-85 pages each), concluding that same year with War. Below is a list of Christopher Smith’s Bullied books in order of when they were originally published (Which is the same as their chronological order):

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Bullied Synopsis: In Bullied (book 1) by Christopher Smith, 18 year-old Seth Moore has always been bullied, but now he has been gifted an amulet that gives him a slew of supernatural abilities. If he uses this amulet for its intended purpose, it will protect him from those who try to bull him. But after all of this time of being beaten down and embarrassed, the question is whether Seth can resist creating a firestorm of horror when the bullies around him create one fatal, awful act that begs for revenge. Soon, all hell breaks loose. And when it does, a war builds against Seth as others vie to take control of the amulet and use its powers for themselves.

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