The Night’s Dawn series is a series of science fiction novels by British author Peter F. Hamilton. The series is set in the distant future where humanity is at war with souls from the past such as Al Capone and Fletcher Christian. In this future, there are enormous sentient space-cities, but sexual exploitation and cruelty are still part of human civilization.

The series consists of the Night’s Dawn Trilogy, the short story collection A Second Chance at Eden and the non-fiction book The Confederation Handbook. The series is also known as the Confederation Universe. The trilogy began in 1996 with The Reality Dysfunction and ended in 1999 with The Naked God. Below is a list of Peter F. Hamilton’s Night’s Dawn books in order of when they were first released (which is also their chronological order):

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Publication Order of Night's Dawn Books

The Reality Dysfunction(1996)Description / Buy at
The Neutronium Alchemist(1997)Description / Buy at
The Naked God(1999)Description / Buy at

Publication Order of Night's Dawn Collections

A Second Chance at Eden(1998)Description / Buy at

Publication Order of Night's Dawn Non-Fiction Books

The Confederation Handbook(2000)Description / Buy at

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