Serial is a series of horror novels by American authors Blake Crouch and Jack Kilborn (J.A. Konrath). The series started out as a 7,500 word short story but was quickly expanded to a 35,000 word novella. The series looks at the golden rules of hitchhiking – “Don’t go hitchhiking, because the driver who picks you up could be certifiably crazy” and “Don’t pick up hitchhikers, because the traveler you pick up could be certifiably crazy.”

The Serial series began with the short story Serial, published in 2009. It would be expanded into Serial Uncut in 2011. Below is a list of the Serial books by Blake Crouch and Jack Kilborn, sorted both by date of publication and chronological order:

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Publication Order of Serial Books

(By: J.A. Konrath, Blake Crouch, Jack Kilborn)

Notes: All of the books in this series, except for Bad Girl, have been co-authored by Jack Kilborn.

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