Seven Realms is a series of young adult fantasy novels by American author Cinda Williams Chima. The series follows an ex-thief named Han Alister and Raisa ana’Marianna, a princess heir. They both came from different beginnings, but now their lives have intertwined in order to protect the kingdom of Fellsmarch.

The Seven Realms series began in 2009 with the novel The Demon King. The series is set to run fivel novels, slated to end in 2014 with the novel The Sorcerer Heir. Below is a list of Cinda Williams Chima’s books in order of when they were first released (which is also their chronological order):

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Publication Order of Seven Realms Books

The Demon King(2009)Description / Buy at
The Exiled Queen(2010)Description / Buy at
The Gray Wolf Throne(2011)Description / Buy at
The Crimson Crown(2012)Description / Buy at

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