Star Force by BV Larson
The Star Force series is a series of military science fiction novels and stories by American author B.V. Larson. In this series, the Star Force Marines of Earth get access to alien technology in order to build a battle fleet.

B.V. Larson began his Star Force series in December 2010 with the novel Swarm. The series is currently ongoing, at a pace of multiple novels per year. Below is a list of B.V. Larson’s Star Force books in order of when they were originally released (as well as in chronological order):

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Note: As of Outcast, the series is written with David VanDyke.

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Star Force Synopses: In Swarm by B.V. Larson (book 1 of the Star Force series), Kyle Riggs is abducted by an alien ship for testing; those who test “weak” are murdered. Kyle passes his tests and is kept alive. Unfortunately, these are the nicest aliens out there. Swarm is about Earth’s annexation by an alien empire. Earth has always been considered a backwater planet that consists of primitive people, but now the people of earth must fight to prevent extinction.

In Extinction by B.V. Larson, the Nano ships have a new mission that is a death sentence to its pilots. Elsewhere, the various Earth governments are interested in stealing the Nano technology that belongs to Star Force and using it for themselves. And now, the Macros are coming back to collect on a promise made to them by Earth.

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