A Few New Book Releases Kick Off October
The beginning of a new month usually means lots of new books coming out. While there may not be a ton of books coming out with the start of October, there are definitely some very interesting new releases.
Mad River is the sixth book in the Virgil Flowers series by John Sandford. Three teenagers are on a crime spree throughout Minnesota, meanwhile Virgil Flowers along with a growing army of cops are trying to run them down. Mad River by John Sadford is out today in eBook, hardcover and audiobook formats.
For young adults, Rick Riordan has a new one out in his Heroes of Olympus series. You can find it in eBook, hardcover and audiobook formats.
Norwegian novelist Jo Nesbo is back with a new Harry Hole book. Phantom is available now in hardcover, eBook, large print paperback and audiobook formats.