Alcatraz is a children’s fantasy series by American novelist Brandon Sanderson. The series follows a boy named Alcatraz Smedry, who is a foster child who receives a bag of sand in the mail that is apparently his inheritance from his parents. The sandbag is quickly stolen from him by the Evil Librarians. Although the publisher […]


Mistborn is a series of high fantasy novels by American novelist Brandon Sanderson. The series is set in a region known as the Final Empire. The Lord Ruler had gained a power that allowed him to remake the world as he saw fit. This began a reign that would last at least a thousand years.


Brandon Sanderson is an American author of fantasy and sci-fi novels. The native Nebraskan is best known for his Mistborn series in addition to finishing The Wheel of Time series following the passing of the original author, Robert Jordan. He also writes the Alcatraz series and The Stormlight Archive (planned for 10 books). Sanderson once […]

Written by Ella Thomson on Monday, January 14th, 2013

The final book in Robert Jordan‘s The Wheel of Time series has been released, but not without controversy. The 14th book was completed by Brandon Sanderson, following Jordan’s death in 2007, and is titled A Memory of Light. The controversy is that the 909-page novel won’t be out in eBook format until April 9th, so […]


The Wheel of Time is a series of epic fantasy novels by American novelist Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson (when noted). Originally, the series was slated to go six novels, then twelve, now fourteen. Jordan passed away in 2007 and Brandon Sanderson was chosen to finish the series based on extensive notes he left behind.

Written by Julie Vegas on Tuesday, March 27th, 2012

Brandon Sanderson’s Mistborn series is going to be hitting shelves in Fall 2013 — video game shelves, that is! Sanderson recently announced that Little Orbit Games will be developing a video game adaptation of Mistborn called Mistborn: Birthright. Little Orbit has in the past made licensed video games of Young Justice and Sherlock Holmes.