The Grimmtastic Girls series is a series of children’s novels by Joan Holub and Suzanne Williams. The books are re-tellings of classic fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm and other authors, including Cinderella, Red Riding Hood, Snow White, Rapunzel, Sleeping Beauty and Goldilocks. These re-tellings have a more feminine twist and are written specifically for […]


Fairy Blossoms is a series of children’s books by American author Suzanne Williams. The series written for girls ages 7 to 10. The Fairy Blossoms bo-oks follow various fairies, including Daisy, Poppy, Rose and Marigold.


Princess Power is a series of children’s books by American author Suzanne Williams. The series is targetted at children from 8 to 12 years old. The series combines standard fairy tales with spunky heroines and encouraging messages about values.


Heroes in Training is a series of children’s adventure books by American authors Joan Holub and Suzanne Williams. The series follows young versions of legendary heroes like Zeus, Hera and Poseidon on adventures they were on before they were full-grown.


The Goddess Girls is a series of children’s fantasy books by American authors Suzanne Williams and Joan Holub. The Goddess Girls are various Greek goddesses in the childhood. The girls are all students at Olympus Academy on Mount Olympus. The girls are immortal, although they have no problems befriending mortals. Their principal is Zeus, the […]


Joan Holub is an American author of children’s books. After graduating from college with a degree in fine arts, she freelanced as an art director for eight years. During this time, Joan would dream of writing children’s books, so she moved to NYC to become an associate art director at Scholastic. She started mailing her […]


Suzanne Williams is an American author of children’s books. She co-authors two series with Joan Holub – Goddess Girls and Heroes in Training – and also writes her own series like Princess Power and Fairy Blossoms. She doesn’t remember a time when she wanted to be a writer, she just happened to love reading. She […]