The Belisarius series is a alternate history sci-fi series by American novelists David Drake and Eric Flint. The books were written by Flint based on Drake’s plots. The series revolves around real-life historical figure Flavius Belisarius and a war between two societies that finds its way to 6th century Earth.


Eric Flint was an American author of science fiction, alternate history and fantasy novels and short stories. Flint also works as an editor and as an e-publisher for the Baen Free Library. He is best known for his 1632 series. Flint got his PhD in History, but left the program due to political issues. From […]


David L. Robbins is an American author of historical fiction and alternate history. He is the son of two WWII vets and thus the Second World War is a major theme in his novels. Robbins is a co-founder of the James River Writers, a non-profit organization that encourages creative expression in the Richmond, VA area. […]


The War That Came Early is a series of alternate history novels by American novelist Harry Turtledove. World War II has broken out, but rather than the 1939 war we know that started in Poland, it started in 1938 over Czechoslovakia.


Crosstime Traffic is a series of science fiction YA novels by American novelist Harry Turtledove. Travel between parallel universes is now possible, with the Crosstime Traffic corporation owning a global monopoly on the new technology.


The Southern Victory series, also known as Timeline-191, is a series of alternate history novels by American author Harry Turtledove. The series is a look at what could have happened if the Union did not find a copy of Robert E. Lee’s Special Order 191 and the Confederate States go on to win the American […]


The Worldwar series is a series of alternate history/science fiction novels by American author Harry Turtledove. The series consists of the Worldwar tetralogy, Colonization trilogy and a standalone novel. The series is set between 1942 and 2031. It starts at the time of World War II when a race of aliens arrive on Earth, ready […]


Harry Turtledove is an American author of alternate history, historical fiction, science fiction and fantasy novels. He is the author of several different series, including the Southern Victory, Worldwar, Crosstime Traffic and other series. He has been referred to “The Master of Alternate History.” He has written under several pseudonyms, including Eric G. Iverson (early […]


David Weber is an American author of science fiction and fantasy. Subgenres that Weber has written in include epic fantasy, space opera, alternate history and military sci-fi. His most well known character is Honor Harrington, which is the nucleus of the “Honorverse.” Weber says he focuses on character development so that he can feel comfortable […]