Halo is a series of military science fiction tie-in novels written by various authors, based on the popular video game series created by Bungie. The series is about a war between humans and an alien race known as the Covenant. The main character of the series is Master Chief, a Spartan. Along with him is […]
The Hainish Cycle is a series of soft science fiction novels and short fiction by American author Ursula K. Le Guin. Eons ago, the Hainish people colonized many different worlds, including Terra (we know it as “Earth”), but their civilization collapsed and the knowledge that other human worlds existed was lost. The series explores alternative […]
The Quantum Logic series is a series of hard science fiction novels by American author Greg Bear. The series is a merger of two smaller series – Queen of Angels and Quantico. The series address issues such as crime, guilt and punishment in society.
Rama is a series of hard science fiction novels by English author Arthur C. Clarke. It is set in the 22nd century when an alien ship known as the Rama enters the solar system. A group of humans are then able to intercept the ship and unlock its mysteries.
Ringworld is a hard science fiction series that is part of the Known Space universe, created by American novelist Larry Niven. The series involve big science, theoretical physics, detective fiction and adventure. The universe includes Ringworld, the Ringworld prequels, the Man-Kzin series and several standalone novels.
R.A. Salvatore is an American author of science fiction and fantasy novels, including his DemonWars Saga, the Forgotten Realms series and a few Star Wars novels. His most famous character is Drizzt Do’Urden from the Forgotten Realms series. Salvatore got into fantasy after reading The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien. He is well […]
John D. MacDonald (1916-1986) was an American author who was best known for crime and suspense novels, including the popular Travis McGee novels. MacDonald is very highly regarded by his fellow authors, including Dean Koontz and Stephen King.
Hover Car Racer is a sci-fi/action/sports series by Australian author Matthew Reilly. Its main character is named Jason Chaser, who goes to Race School to participate in the 21st century sport of Hover Car Racing. Hover Car Racer reads similarly to an action movie screenplay. The series may end up on the big screen after […]