The Home Repair is Homicide Mysteries is a cozy mystery series by American novelist Sarah Graves. The protagonist of the series is Jacobia “Jake” Tiptree, who has moved to Eastport, Maine from New York City to get away from Wall Street in favour of a simpler existence. Other characters in the books include Jake’s son, […]


Sarah Graves is an American author of cozy mystery novels. In particular, she writes her Home Repair is Homicide series. Much like the protagonist in her novels (Jacobia Tiptree), Sarah lives in Eastport, Maine and enjoys fixing up her house. When she’s not writing or repairing, Sarah enjoys gardening and the outdoors. Sarah is married […]


Jane Arnold is the central character of a series of cozy mystery novels by American novelist Rita Mae Brown. Jane Arnold (also known as “Sister”) is a 70 year-old Master of the Foxhunt who hails from the Commonwealth of Virginia. Rita Mae Brown is herself an avid foxhunter and is master of her club. The […]


Mrs. Murphy is the central character in a series of cozy mystery novels by American author Rita Mae Brown. The eponymous character in the series, Mrs. Murphy, is actually the cat of 30-something divorcee Mary Minor “Harry” Haristeen. Together, they solve mysteries in the town of Crozet, Virginia.


Rita Mae Brown is an American author of mystery novels, romance novels and women’s fiction, as well as screenplays and poetry. She writes the Runnymede, Mrs. Murphy and Jane Arnold series. Rita has a degree in classics and English from New York University. Rita became a political activist in ’60s for multiple movements, including civil […]


The Delilah Dickinson Literary Tour Mysteries is a series of cozy mystery novels by American novelist Livia J. Washburn. The series features Delilah Dickinson, a Southern divorced woman, who runs a literary tour business out of Atlanta, Georgia.


The Fresh-Baked Mysteries is a series of cozy mystery novels by American author Livia J. Washburn. Phyllis Newsom is a retired teacher from a small town in Texas who becomes an amateur sleuth in an attempt to clear her name of murder.


Livia J. Washburn is an American author of mystery novels, western novels, paranormal romance and historical fiction. Throughout hr career, Livia has written as Elizabeth Hallam, Livia Hallam, Livia James, J.L. Reasoner, Livia Reasoner, L.J. Washburn and of course, as Livia J. Washburn. She started dating her future husband, James Reasoner, when she was a […]


The Jaine Austen Mysteries is a series of cozy mystery novels by American novelist Laura Levine. Obviously named after the historical author Jane Austen, Jaine Austen is a freelance writer and part-time amateur sleuth. She lives in Los Angeles, but unlike the stereotypical Los Angelean, is carrying a few extra pounds. She has a cat […]


Laura Levine is an American author of cozy mystery novels (specifically, her Jaine Austen series). Although she has not been a novelist for long, Laura has been a writer for a very long time. She has worked on many sitcoms (including classics) like The Bob Newhart Show, Three’s Company, Laverne & Shirley, The Love Boat, […]