Death On Demand is a cozy mystery series by American novelist Carolyn G. Hart. The series follows Annie Laurance, the owner of a bookstore called “Death on Demand” in the fictional community of Broward’s Rock, South Carolina. Due to the backdrop of a bookstore, other mystery authors and their books are often referenced.


Carolyn Gimpel Hart is an American author of cozy mystery novels, including her Death on Demand and Henrie O series. In 1964, Carolyn won a writing contest for a mystery novel targetted at teenage girls. She then wrote YA mysteries until 1972. For the next 15 years, she would write standalone suspense titles, as publishers […]


Emma Lord is the protagonist in a series of cozy mysteries by American novelist Mary Daheim. Emma is the owner/editor of a newspaper in the small town of Alpine, Washington. The series is also known as the “Alpine series” because each book in the series begins with “The Alpine.”


The Bed-and-Breakfast Mysteries is a series of cozy mystery novels by American novelist Mary Daheim. The central character in the series is Judith McMonigle, who runs a bed-and-breakfast called the Hillside Manor in Heraldsgate Hill.


Mary Daheim is an American author of historical romance and cozy mystery novels. Before becoming a novelist, Mary worked as a journalist and in public relations. She is a prolific author, best known for her Bed-and-Breakfast and Emma Lord mysteries.


The Patchwork Mysteries is a cozy mystery series written by various authors, published by Guideposts. The protagonist in the series is a quilter named Sarah Hart.


Darling Dahlias is a series of mystery novels by American author Susan Wittig Albert. The series is set in the fictional town of Darling, Alabama during the Great Depression. The ladies of Darling have a garden club called “The Dahlias,” which is a major social centre for the town. The women are experts at gardening, […]


The Cottage Tales of Beatrix Potter is a mystery novels by American author Susan Wittig Albert. The series is based on the life of author/illustrator Beatrix Potter. In 1905, she bought a farm in the Lake District of England and it follows her as she moves away from the big city life to a new […]


China Bayles is the central character in a series of cozy mystery novels by American novelist Susan Wittig Albert. China is an ex-lawyer who now works as a herbalist based out of Pecan Springs, Texas. There, she prefers to live a quieter existence with close friends and family. The series has been praised for its […]


Susan Wittig Albert is an American author of mystery novels, usually in the cozy sub-genre. Susan is the author of multiple series, include China Bayles herbal mysteries series, the Cottage Tales of Beatrix Potter, the Robin Paige Victorian Mysteries and the Darling Dahlias series. She has also written under the pen names Carolyn Keene (for […]