Bloody Jack Adventures is a series of YA historical fiction novels by American novelist L.A. Meyer. The series follows Jacky Faber, an orphaned girl living on the streets of London during the late 18th century. When her gang’s leader is murdered, she takes his clothes and masquerades as a boy. She then finds work as […]


Talon & Chantry are two intersecting Western adventure family sagas by American author Louis L’Amour. The Chantrys emigrated to the United States from Ireland, fighting alongside the Sacketts in the American Revolution. The Talons left Quebec to settle in the American West. In another connection to the Sackett family, Em Talon was born a Sackett.


The Children of the Lamp series is a fantasy adventure series by British novelist P.B. Kerr. Two twins, John and Philippa Gaunt, have discovered that they are descendants of the djinn. Now they have the power to grant wishes, travel to extraordinary places and make things disappear.


Storm Runners is a series of YA adventure novels by American author Roland Smith. “Storm Runners” refers to Chase Masters and his father, who race across the country chasing tornadoes, hurricanes and floods. Whenever bad weather strikes, they are in hot pursuit.


Roland Smith is an American author of young adult adventure novels and non-fiction children’s books. Before becoming an author, Roland worked as a zookeeper at the Oregon Zoo and the Point Defiance Zoo in Tacoma. His series include I, Q, Cryptid Hunters featuring Grace & Marty, Thunder Cave and Storm Runners. Roland lives in Oregon […]


Richard Hannay is the protagonist in five adventure novels by Scottish author John Buchan. The character is a fictional secret agent who was based in part on Edmund Ironside, an Edinburgh spy during the Second Boer War. Hannay was born in Scotland around 1877 and grew up around his father’s German business partners and thus […]


John Buchan, 1st Baron Tweedsmuir (1875-1940) was a Scottish novelist of adventure novels and an author of many non-fiction books. Buchan served as the 15th Governor General of Canada. His most famous novel was The Thirty-Nine Steps, which was adapted into the Alfred Hitchcock film The 39 Steps. Buchan would feature that novel’s protagonist, Richard […]


Stainless Steel Rat is a series of satirical science fiction novels by American novelist Harry Harrison. The series centers on James Bolivar DiGriz (aka Slippery Jim & The Stainless Steel Rat), an anti-hero, conman and thief. He’s got quick wits, disguises, charm and is an excellent liar. He can easily justify his crimes by claiming […]


Pellucidar is a series of adventure novels by American author Edgar Rice Burroughs. In the series, the Earth is hollow and Pellucidar is the internal surface. Pellucidar is inhabited by primitive people and dinosaurs. The series crosses over with Edgar Rice Burroughs’ most popular series when Tarzan travels into Pellucidar.


Tarzan is a fictional character created by American author Edgar Rice Burroughs. Tarzan is an orphaned feral child who was raised by apes. After growing up, he meets Jane Porter, who he falls in love with. Tarzan is one of the best-known characters in literature and has appeared in nearly 100 films, two radioplays, several […]