The Long War is a series of historical fiction by Canadian novelist Christian Cameron. Narrated in the first person, the series is set during the Persian Wars. The series follows Arimnestos of Plataea throughout the conflict between the Greeks and the Persians from his time as a farmboy, to being sold into slavery, to becoming […]


The Tyrant series is a series of historical fiction novels by Canadian novelist Christian Cameron. Set during the era of Alexander the Great, the series revolves around the history of the Euxine area and relations between the Greeks and the Scythians.


Christian Cameron is an American-Canadian author of historical fiction novels, and also has written military thriller novels with his father, Kenneth Cameron, under the pen name of Gordon Kent. He writes the Tyrant, Long War, Tom Swan and the Head of St. George and the Traitor Son Cycle series in addition to the Alan Craik […]


Inspector Pekkala is the protagonist in a series of historical crime fiction novels by American novelist Sam Eastland (Paul Watkins). Set in 1929, Inspector Pekkala is a Finnish soldier who became an investigator for Tsar Nicholas II of the Soviet Union. After Nicholas II lost power, Pekkala was imprisoned and sent to Siberia until Joseph […]


Paul Watkins is an American author of fiction and historical fiction as well as crime fiction under the pen name of Sam Eastland. He has split his whole life between the US and UK, attending Dragon School, Oxford, Eton and Yale University (where he earned his B.A.). Paul currently works as a teacher and writer-in-residence […]


Alice Hoffman is an American author of fantasy, magic realism and historical fiction novels for adults, young adults and children. She got her B.A. from Adelphi University and her M.A. in creative writing from Stanford University. Hoffman wrote the screenplay for Independence Day (although not the famous one). She lives in Boston, Massachusetts with her […]


Marie Bostwick is an American author of women’s fiction and historical fiction novels. She writes the Cobbled Court Quilts series. Marie grew up in the northwest and graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Communications. When she isn’t writing, Marie enjoys quilting, wasting time on Facebook, playing the piano, knitting, cooking, kayaking and more. She has […]


The Medieval Murderers are a group of authors who write a series of historical mystery collections. The authors who encompass the Medieval Murderers are Michael Jecks (founder), C.J. Sansom, Bernard Knight, Susanna Gregory, Philip Gooden, Ian Morson and Karen Maitland. The novels are linked to the various authors’ characters, who appear in the stories authored […]


The Knights Templar series is a series of historical mystery novels by British author Michael Jecks. The series follows Sir Baldwin Furnshill, who was at one time a Knight Templar, along with his friend Simon Puttock, Bailiff of Lydford Castle. The books are set during the 14th century in Devon, England. The series is also […]


Michael Jecks is an English author of historical mystery novels and stories. He writes the Knights Templar Mysteries series and also founded the Medieval Murderers – a group of historical fiction writers who collaborate together on a series of novellas and novels. Before becoming a novelist, Jecks worked in the computer industry until he was […]