The Man-Kzin Wars is a series of military science fiction anthologies and novels created by American author Larry Niven. The series is set in the same universe as Niven’s Known Space series. The stories are about the war between humans and the race known as the Kzinti. Although Niven created the series, he only wrote […]


The Fleet is a series of military science fiction anthologies edited by David Drake and Bill Fawcett. The Fleet is the last line of deep space defense against alien enemies. Besides the editors, the series contains stories by such authors as Anne McCaffrey, Poul Anderson, Steve Perry, Margaret Weis, Jody Lynn Nye, Chelsea Quinn Yarbro, […]


Hammer’s Slammers is a series of military science fiction stories and novels by American author David Drake. Set in the future, the series is about a regiment of merc tanks that the series is named for. The regiment is named after the leader, Colonel Alois Hammer. The books often retell both historical and mythological stories, […]


David Drake is an American author of science fiction and fantasy novels. He is the author of the Hammer’s Slammers, Lord of the Isles and Lt. Leary series as well as the creator of the Raj Whitehall and Belisarius series. David graduated from the University of Iowa with honours. He then began attending the Duke […]


Halo is a series of military science fiction tie-in novels written by various authors, based on the popular video game series created by Bungie. The series is about a war between humans and an alien race known as the Covenant. The main character of the series is Master Chief, a Spartan. Along with him is […]


Phule’s Company is a series of comic/military science fiction novels by American novelist Robert Asprin (and later co-authored by Peter Heck). Set in the future, many different species (including humans) have created an alliance that governs all of their planets. The military includes the Space Legion as well as the Regular Army and Starfleet. The […]


The Star Force series is a series of military science fiction novels and stories by American author B.V. Larson. In this series, the Star Force Marines of Earth get access to alien technology in order to build a battle fleet.


B.V. Larson is an American author of fantasy, science fiction and paranormal romance. He writes the Haven, Imperium, Star Force, Hyborean Dragons and Unspeakable Things series. Brian has spent most of his live in California and Nevada, which is why he sets most of his novels in those locations. Unlike many authors who stick to […]


The Star Carrier series is a series of military science fiction novels by American novelist Ian Douglas (William H. Keith). The series follows the officers and crew of a space faring spacecraft carrier, similar to Battlestar Galactica.


The Galactic Marines saga is a series of military science fiction novels by Ian Douglas (William H. Keith). The series is made up of three trilogies – the Heritage trilogy, Legacy trilogy and Inheritance trilogy. The Heritage trilogy is set in the future, when humans begin to find out their true origins. The other two […]